Thomas Gruber Logo

Fine Art Prints of Web Site Photographs and Watercolor Paintings are available for purchase. They come matted and and ready to frame in two sizes.

1 image size: 6″ x 9.5″ (square 6″ x 6″)**
mat* size: 12″ x 16″ (square 12″ x 12″) **
Cost: $40. each (Three*** for $100.)
2 image size: 11″ x 17″ (square 11″ x 11″)**
mat* size: 18″ x 24″ (square 18″ x 18″) **
Cost: $75. each (Three*** for $200.)
* Mats are white.
** Most of the photographs and watercolor paintings are rectangular with an approximate ratio of 2 to 3, but there are some that are square with a ratio of 1 to 1.
*** Any three images – photos and/or paintings

Shipping cost will be provided prior to purchase.

Please contact the Artist for additional information and a price list.

    For questions or inquiries, please fill out the form provided below and click the send button at the bottom.

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